TMX Map Format

Version 1.8

TMX and TSX are Tiled’s own formats for storing tile maps and tilesets, based on XML. TMX provides a flexible way to describe a tile based map. It can describe maps with any tile size, any amount of layers, any number of tile sets and it allows custom properties to be set on most elements. Beside tile layers, it can also contain groups of objects that can be placed freely.

Note that there are many libraries and frameworks available that can work with TMX maps and TSX tilesets.

In this document we’ll go through each element found in these file formats. The elements are mentioned in the headers and the list of attributes of the elements are listed right below, followed by a short explanation. Attributes or elements that are deprecated or unsupported by the current version of Tiled are formatted in italics. All optional attributes are either marked as optional, or have a default value to imply that they are optional.

Have a look at the changelog when you’re interested in what changed between Tiled versions.


A DTD-file (Document Type Definition) is served at This file is not up-to-date but might be useful for XML-namespacing anyway.


For compatibility reasons, it is recommended to ignore unknown elements and attributes (or raise a warning). This makes it easier to add features without breaking backwards compatibility, and allows custom variants and additions to work with existing tools.


  • version: The TMX format version. Was “1.0” so far, and will be incremented to match minor Tiled releases.

  • tiledversion: The Tiled version used to save the file (since Tiled 1.0.1). May be a date (for snapshot builds). (optional)

  • class: The class of this map (since 1.9, defaults to “”).

  • orientation: Map orientation. Tiled supports “orthogonal”, “isometric”, “staggered” and “hexagonal” (since 0.11).

  • renderorder: The order in which tiles on tile layers are rendered. Valid values are right-down (the default), right-up, left-down and left-up. In all cases, the map is drawn row-by-row. (only supported for orthogonal maps at the moment)

  • compressionlevel: The compression level to use for tile layer data (defaults to -1, which means to use the algorithm default).

  • width: The map width in tiles.

  • height: The map height in tiles.

  • tilewidth: The width of a tile.

  • tileheight: The height of a tile.

  • hexsidelength: Only for hexagonal maps. Determines the width or height (depending on the staggered axis) of the tile’s edge, in pixels.

  • staggeraxis: For staggered and hexagonal maps, determines which axis (“x” or “y”) is staggered. (since 0.11)

  • staggerindex: For staggered and hexagonal maps, determines whether the “even” or “odd” indexes along the staggered axis are shifted. (since 0.11)

  • parallaxoriginx: X coordinate of the parallax origin in pixels (defaults to 0). (since 1.8)

  • parallaxoriginy: Y coordinate of the parallax origin in pixels (defaults to 0). (since 1.8)

  • backgroundcolor: The background color of the map. (optional, may include alpha value since 0.15 in the form #AARRGGBB. Defaults to fully transparent.)

  • nextlayerid: Stores the next available ID for new layers. This number is stored to prevent reuse of the same ID after layers have been removed. (since 1.2) (defaults to the highest layer id in the file + 1)

  • nextobjectid: Stores the next available ID for new objects. This number is stored to prevent reuse of the same ID after objects have been removed. (since 0.11) (defaults to the highest object id in the file + 1)

  • infinite: Whether this map is infinite. An infinite map has no fixed size and can grow in all directions. Its layer data is stored in chunks. (0 for false, 1 for true, defaults to 0)

The tilewidth and tileheight properties determine the general grid size of the map. The individual tiles may have different sizes. Larger tiles will extend at the top and right (anchored to the bottom left).

A map contains three different kinds of layers. Tile layers were once the only type, and are simply called layer, object layers have the objectgroup tag and image layers use the imagelayer tag. The order in which these layers appear is the order in which the layers are rendered by Tiled.

The staggered orientation refers to an isometric map using staggered axes.

The tilesets used by the map should always be listed before the layers.

Can contain at most one: <properties>, <editorsettings> (since 1.3)

Can contain any number: <tileset>, <layer>, <objectgroup>, <imagelayer>, <group> (since 1.0)


This element contains various editor-specific settings, which are generally not relevant when reading a map.

Can contain at most one: <chunksize>, <export>


  • width: The width of chunks used for infinite maps (default to 16).

  • height: The width of chunks used for infinite maps (default to 16).


  • target: The last file this map was exported to.

  • format: The short name of the last format this map was exported as.


  • firstgid: The first global tile ID of this tileset (this global ID maps to the first tile in this tileset).

  • source: If this tileset is stored in an external TSX (Tile Set XML) file, this attribute refers to that file. That TSX file has the same structure as the <tileset> element described here. (There is the firstgid attribute missing and this source attribute is also not there. These two attributes are kept in the TMX map, since they are map specific.)

  • name: The name of this tileset.

  • class: The class of this tileset (since 1.9, defaults to “”).

  • tilewidth: The width of the tiles in this tileset, which should be at least 1 except in the case of image collection tilesets (in which case it stores the maximum tile width).

  • tileheight: The height of the tiles in this tileset, which should be at least 1 except in the case of image collection tilesets (in which case it stores the maximum tile height).

  • spacing: The spacing in pixels between the tiles in this tileset (applies to the tileset image, defaults to 0). Irrelevant for image collection tilesets.

  • margin: The margin around the tiles in this tileset (applies to the tileset image, defaults to 0). Irrelevant for image collection tilesets.

  • tilecount: The number of tiles in this tileset (since 0.13). Note that there can be tiles with a higher ID than the tile count, in case the tileset is an image collection from which tiles have been removed.

  • columns: The number of tile columns in the tileset. For image collection tilesets it is editable and is used when displaying the tileset. (since 0.15)

  • objectalignment: Controls the alignment for tile objects. Valid values are unspecified, topleft, top, topright, left, center, right, bottomleft, bottom and bottomright. The default value is unspecified, for compatibility reasons. When unspecified, tile objects use bottomleft in orthogonal mode and bottom in isometric mode. (since 1.4)

  • tilerendersize: The size to use when rendering tiles from this tileset on a tile layer. Valid values are tile (the default) and grid. When set to grid, the tile is drawn at the tile grid size of the map. (since 1.9)

  • fillmode: The fill mode to use when rendering tiles from this tileset. Valid values are stretch (the default) and preserve-aspect-fit. Only relevant when the tiles are not rendered at their native size, so this applies to resized tile objects or in combination with tilerendersize set to grid. (since 1.9)

A tileset can be either based on a single image, which is cut into tiles based on the given parameters, or a collection of images, in which case each tile defines its own image. In the first case there is a single child <image> element. In the latter case, each child <tile> element contains an <image> element.

If there are multiple <tileset> elements, they are in ascending order of their firstgid attribute. The first tileset always has a firstgid value of 1. Since Tiled 0.15, image collection tilesets do not necessarily number their tiles consecutively since gaps can occur when removing tiles.

Can contain at most one: <image>, <tileoffset>, <grid> (since 1.0), <properties>, <terraintypes>, <wangsets> (since 1.1), <transformations> (since 1.5)

Can contain any number: <tile>


  • x: Horizontal offset in pixels. (defaults to 0)

  • y: Vertical offset in pixels (positive is down, defaults to 0)

This element is used to specify an offset in pixels, to be applied when drawing a tile from the related tileset. When not present, no offset is applied.


  • orientation: Orientation of the grid for the tiles in this tileset (orthogonal or isometric, defaults to orthogonal)

  • width: Width of a grid cell

  • height: Height of a grid cell

This element is only used in case of isometric orientation, and determines how tile overlays for terrain and collision information are rendered.


  • format: Used for embedded images, in combination with a <data> child element. Valid values are file extensions like png, gif, jpg, bmp, etc.

  • id: Used by some versions of Tiled Java. Deprecated and unsupported.

  • source: The reference to the tileset image file (Tiled supports most common image formats). Only used if the image is not embedded.

  • trans: Defines a specific color that is treated as transparent (example value: “#FF00FF” for magenta). Including the “#” is optional and Tiled leaves it out for compatibility reasons. (optional)

  • width: The image width in pixels (optional, used for tile index correction when the image changes)

  • height: The image height in pixels (optional)

Tiled maps or tilesets with embedded image data can currently only be created using the JavaScript API, or in custom tools based on libtiled (Qt/C++) or tmxlib (Python).

Can contain at most one: <data>


Deprecated: This element has been deprecated since Tiled 1.5, in favour of the <wangsets> element, which is more flexible. Tilesets containing terrain types are automatically saved with a Wang set instead.

This element defines an array of terrain types, which can be referenced from the terrain attribute of the <tile> element.

Can contain any number: <terrain>


Deprecated: This element has been deprecated since Tiled 1.5, in favour of the <wangcolor> element.

  • name: The name of the terrain type.

  • tile: The local tile-id of the tile that represents the terrain visually.

Can contain at most one: <properties>


This element is used to describe which transformations can be applied to the tiles (e.g. to extend a Wang set by transforming existing tiles).

  • hflip: Whether the tiles in this set can be flipped horizontally (default 0)

  • vflip: Whether the tiles in this set can be flipped vertically (default 0)

  • rotate: Whether the tiles in this set can be rotated in 90 degree increments (default 0)

  • preferuntransformed: Whether untransformed tiles remain preferred, otherwise transformed tiles are used to produce more variations (default 0)


  • id: The local tile ID within its tileset.

  • type: The class of the tile. Is inherited by tile objects. (since 1.0, defaults to “”, was saved as class in 1.9)

  • terrain: Defines the terrain type of each corner of the tile, given as comma-separated indexes in the terrain types array in the order top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right. Leaving out a value means that corner has no terrain. (deprecated since 1.5 in favour of <wangtile>)

  • probability: A percentage indicating the probability that this tile is chosen when it competes with others while editing with the terrain tool. (defaults to 0)

  • x: The X position of the sub-rectangle representing this tile (default: 0)

  • y: The Y position of the sub-rectangle representing this tile (default: 0)

  • width: The width of the sub-rectangle representing this tile (defaults to the image width)

  • height: The height of the sub-rectangle representing this tile (defaults to the image height)

Can contain at most one: <properties>, <image> (since 0.9), <objectgroup>, <animation>


Contains a list of animation frames.

Each tile can have exactly one animation associated with it. In the future, there could be support for multiple named animations on a tile.

Can contain any number: <frame>

  • tileid: The local ID of a tile within the parent <tileset>.

  • duration: How long (in milliseconds) this frame should be displayed before advancing to the next frame.


Contains the list of Wang sets defined for this tileset.

Can contain any number: <wangset>


Defines a list of colors and any number of Wang tiles using these colors.

  • name: The name of the Wang set.

  • class: The class of the Wang set (since 1.9, defaults to “”).

  • tile: The tile ID of the tile representing this Wang set.

Can contain at most one: <properties>

Can contain up to 254: <wangcolor> (255 since Tiled 1.5, 254 since Tiled 1.10.2)

Can contain any number: <wangtile>


A color that can be used to define the corner and/or edge of a Wang tile.

  • name: The name of this color.

  • class: The class of this color (since 1.9, defaults to “”).

  • color: The color in #RRGGBB format (example: #c17d11).

  • tile: The tile ID of the tile representing this color.

  • probability: The relative probability that this color is chosen over others in case of multiple options. (defaults to 0)

Can contain at most one: <properties>


Defines a Wang tile, by referring to a tile in the tileset and associating it with a certain Wang ID.

  • tileid: The tile ID.

  • wangid: The Wang ID, since Tiled 1.5 given by a comma-separated list of indexes (0-254) referring to the Wang colors in the Wang set in the order: top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom, bottom-left, left, top-left. Index 0 means unset and index 1 refers to the first Wang color. Before Tiled 1.5, the Wang ID was saved as a 32-bit unsigned integer stored in the format 0xCECECECE (where each C is a corner color and each E is an edge color, in reverse order).

  • hflip: Whether the tile is flipped horizontally (removed in Tiled 1.5).

  • vflip: Whether the tile is flipped vertically (removed in Tiled 1.5).

  • dflip: Whether the tile is flipped on its diagonal (removed in Tiled 1.5).


All <tileset> tags shall occur before the first <layer> tag so that parsers may rely on having the tilesets before needing to resolve tiles.

  • id: Unique ID of the layer (defaults to 0, with valid IDs being at least 1). Each layer that added to a map gets a unique id. Even if a layer is deleted, no layer ever gets the same ID. Can not be changed in Tiled. (since Tiled 1.2)

  • name: The name of the layer. (defaults to “”)

  • class: The class of the layer (since 1.9, defaults to “”).

  • x: The x coordinate of the layer in tiles. Defaults to 0 and can not be changed in Tiled.

  • y: The y coordinate of the layer in tiles. Defaults to 0 and can not be changed in Tiled.

  • width: The width of the layer in tiles. Always the same as the map width for fixed-size maps.

  • height: The height of the layer in tiles. Always the same as the map height for fixed-size maps.

  • opacity: The opacity of the layer as a value from 0 to 1. Defaults to 1.

  • visible: Whether the layer is shown (1) or hidden (0). Defaults to 1.

  • tintcolor: A tint color that is multiplied with any tiles drawn by this layer in #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB format (optional).

  • offsetx: Horizontal offset for this layer in pixels. Defaults to 0. (since 0.14)

  • offsety: Vertical offset for this layer in pixels. Defaults to 0. (since 0.14)

  • parallaxx: Horizontal parallax factor for this layer. Defaults to 1. (since 1.5)

  • parallaxy: Vertical parallax factor for this layer. Defaults to 1. (since 1.5)

  • mode: The blend mode to use when rendering the layer. Valid values are normal, add, multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, difference and exclusion (since 1.12, defaults to normal).

Can contain at most one: <properties>, <data>


  • encoding: The encoding used to encode the tile layer data. When used, it can be “base64” and, when used for tile layer data, “csv”. (optional)

  • compression: The compression used to compress the tile layer data. Tiled supports “gzip”, “zlib” and (as a compile-time option since Tiled 1.3) “zstd”.

This element is usually used as a child of a <layer> element, and contains the actual tile layer data. It can also occur as a child of an <image> element, where it can store embedded image data.

When no encoding or compression is given, the tiles are stored as individual XML <tile> elements, but this option is deprecated. Next to that, the easiest format to parse is the “csv” (comma separated values) format.

The base64-encoded and optionally compressed layer data is somewhat more complicated to parse. First you need to base64-decode it, then you may need to decompress it. Now you have an array of bytes, which should be interpreted as an array of unsigned 32-bit integers using little-endian byte ordering.

Whatever format you choose for your layer data, you will always end up with so called “Global Tile IDs” (gids). They are called “global”, since they may refer to a tile from any of the tilesets used by the map. The IDs also contain flipping flags. The tilesets are always stored with increasing firstgids.

Can contain any number: <tile>, <chunk>


  • x: The x coordinate of the chunk in tiles.

  • y: The y coordinate of the chunk in tiles.

  • width: The width of the chunk in tiles.

  • height: The height of the chunk in tiles.

This is currently added only for infinite maps. The contents of a chunk element is same as that of the <data> element, except it stores the data of the area specified in the attributes.

Can contain any number: <tile>


  • gid: The global tile ID (default: 0).

Not to be confused with the <tile> element inside a <tileset>, this element defines the value of a single tile on a tile layer. This is however the most inefficient way of storing the tile layer data, and should generally be avoided.


  • id: Unique ID of the layer (defaults to 0, with valid IDs being at least 1). Each layer that added to a map gets a unique id. Even if a layer is deleted, no layer ever gets the same ID. Can not be changed in Tiled. (since Tiled 1.2)

  • name: The name of the object group. (defaults to “”)

  • class: The class of the object group (since 1.9, defaults to “”).

  • color: The color used to display the objects in this group. (optional)

  • x: The x coordinate of the object group in tiles. Defaults to 0 and can no longer be changed in Tiled.

  • y: The y coordinate of the object group in tiles. Defaults to 0 and can no longer be changed in Tiled.

  • width: The width of the object group in tiles. Meaningless.

  • height: The height of the object group in tiles. Meaningless.

  • opacity: The opacity of the layer as a value from 0 to 1. (defaults to 1)

  • visible: Whether the layer is shown (1) or hidden (0). (defaults to 1)

  • tintcolor: A color that is multiplied with any tile objects drawn by this layer, in #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB format (optional).

  • offsetx: Horizontal offset for this object group in pixels. (defaults to 0) (since 0.14)

  • offsety: Vertical offset for this object group in pixels. (defaults to 0) (since 0.14)

  • parallaxx: Horizontal parallax factor for this object group. Defaults to 1. (since 1.5)

  • parallaxy: Vertical parallax factor for this object group. Defaults to 1. (since 1.5)

  • draworder: Whether the objects are drawn according to the order of appearance (“index”) or sorted by their y-coordinate (“topdown”). (defaults to “topdown”)

The object group is in fact a map layer, and is hence called “object layer” in Tiled.

Can contain at most one: <properties>

Can contain any number: <object>


  • id: Unique ID of the object (defaults to 0, with valid IDs being at least 1). Each object that is placed on a map gets a unique id. Even if an object was deleted, no object gets the same ID. Can not be changed in Tiled. (since Tiled 0.11)

  • name: The name of the object. An arbitrary string. (defaults to “”)

  • type: The class of the object. An arbitrary string. (defaults to “”, was saved as class in 1.9)

  • x: The x coordinate of the object in pixels. (defaults to 0)

  • y: The y coordinate of the object in pixels. (defaults to 0)

  • width: The width of the object in pixels. (defaults to 0)

  • height: The height of the object in pixels. (defaults to 0)

  • rotation: The rotation of the object in degrees clockwise around (x, y). (defaults to 0)

  • gid: A reference to a tile. (optional)

  • visible: Whether the object is shown (1) or hidden (0). (defaults to 1)

  • template: A reference to a template file. (optional)

While tile layers are very suitable for anything repetitive aligned to the tile grid, sometimes you want to annotate your map with other information, not necessarily aligned to the grid. Hence the objects have their coordinates and size in pixels, but you can still easily align that to the grid when you want to.

You generally use objects to add custom information to your tile map, such as spawn points, warps, exits, etc.

When the object has a gid set, then it is represented by the image of the tile with that global ID. The image alignment currently depends on the map orientation. In orthogonal orientation it’s aligned to the bottom-left while in isometric it’s aligned to the bottom-center. The image will rotate around the bottom-left or bottom-center, respectively.

When the object has a template set, it will borrow all the properties from the specified template, properties saved with the object will have higher priority, i.e. they will override the template properties.

Can contain at most one: <properties>, <ellipse> (since 0.9), <point> (since 1.1), <polygon>, <polyline>, <text> (since 1.0)


Used to mark an object as an ellipse. The existing x, y, width and height attributes are used to determine the size of the ellipse.


Used to mark an object as a point. The existing x and y attributes are used to determine the position of the point.


  • points: A list of x,y coordinates in pixels.

Each polygon object is made up of a space-delimited list of x,y coordinates. The origin for these coordinates is the location of the parent object. By default, the first point is created as 0,0 denoting that the point will originate exactly where the object is placed.


  • points: A list of x,y coordinates in pixels.

A polyline follows the same placement definition as a polygon object.


  • fontfamily: The font family used (defaults to “sans-serif”)

  • pixelsize: The size of the font in pixels (not using points, because other sizes in the TMX format are also using pixels) (defaults to 16)

  • wrap: Whether word wrapping is enabled (1) or disabled (0). (defaults to 0)

  • color: Color of the text in #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB format (defaults to #000000)

  • bold: Whether the font is bold (1) or not (0). (defaults to 0)

  • italic: Whether the font is italic (1) or not (0). (defaults to 0)

  • underline: Whether a line should be drawn below the text (1) or not (0). (defaults to 0)

  • strikeout: Whether a line should be drawn through the text (1) or not (0). (defaults to 0)

  • kerning: Whether kerning should be used while rendering the text (1) or not (0). (defaults to 1)

  • halign: Horizontal alignment of the text within the object (left, center, right or justify, defaults to left) (since Tiled 1.2.1)

  • valign: Vertical alignment of the text within the object (top , center or bottom, defaults to top)

Used to mark an object as a text object. Contains the actual text as character data.

For alignment purposes, the bottom of the text is the descender height of the font, and the top of the text is the ascender height of the font. For example, bottom alignment of the word “cat” will leave some space below the text, even though it is unused for this word with most fonts. Similarly, top alignment of the word “cat” will leave some space above the “t” with most fonts, because this space is used for diacritics.

If the text is larger than the object’s bounds, it is clipped to the bounds of the object.


  • id: Unique ID of the layer (defaults to 0, with valid IDs being at least 1). Each layer that added to a map gets a unique id. Even if a layer is deleted, no layer ever gets the same ID. Can not be changed in Tiled. (since Tiled 1.2)

  • name: The name of the image layer. (defaults to “”)

  • class: The class of the image layer (since 1.9, defaults to “”).

  • offsetx: Horizontal offset of the image layer in pixels. (defaults to 0) (since 0.15)

  • offsety: Vertical offset of the image layer in pixels. (defaults to 0) (since 0.15)

  • parallaxx: Horizontal parallax factor for this layer. Defaults to 1. (since 1.5)

  • parallaxy: Vertical parallax factor for this layer. Defaults to 1. (since 1.5)

  • x: The x position of the image layer in pixels. (defaults to 0, deprecated since 0.15)

  • y: The y position of the image layer in pixels. (defaults to 0, deprecated since 0.15)

  • opacity: The opacity of the layer as a value from 0 to 1. (defaults to 1)

  • visible: Whether the layer is shown (1) or hidden (0). (defaults to 1)

  • tintcolor: A color that is multiplied with the image drawn by this layer in #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB format (optional).

  • repeatx: Whether the image drawn by this layer is repeated along the X axis. (since Tiled 1.8)

  • repeaty: Whether the image drawn by this layer is repeated along the Y axis. (since Tiled 1.8)

A layer consisting of a single image.

Can contain at most one: <properties>, <image>


  • id: Unique ID of the layer (defaults to 0, with valid IDs being at least 1). Each layer that added to a map gets a unique id. Even if a layer is deleted, no layer ever gets the same ID. Can not be changed in Tiled. (since Tiled 1.2)

  • name: The name of the group layer. (defaults to “”)

  • class: The class of the group layer (since 1.9, defaults to “”).

  • offsetx: Horizontal offset of the group layer in pixels. (defaults to 0)

  • offsety: Vertical offset of the group layer in pixels. (defaults to 0)

  • parallaxx: Horizontal parallax factor for this group. Defaults to 1. (since 1.5)

  • parallaxy: Vertical parallax factor for this group. Defaults to 1. (since 1.5)

  • opacity: The opacity of the layer as a value from 0 to 1. (defaults to 1)

  • visible: Whether the layer is shown (1) or hidden (0). (defaults to 1)

  • tintcolor: A color that is multiplied with any graphics drawn by any child layers, in #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB format (optional).

A group layer, used to organize the layers of the map in a hierarchy. Its attributes offsetx, offsety, opacity, visible and tintcolor recursively affect child layers.

Can contain at most one: <properties>

Can contain any number: <layer>, <objectgroup>, <imagelayer>, <group>


Wraps any number of custom properties. Can be used as a child of the map, tileset, tile (when part of a tileset), terrain, wangset, wangcolor, layer, objectgroup, object, imagelayer, group and property elements.

Can contain any number: <property>


  • name: The name of the property.

  • type: The type of the property. Can be string (default), int, float, bool, color, file, object or class (since 0.16, with color and file added in 0.17, object added in 1.4 and class added in 1.8).

  • propertytype: The name of the custom property type, when applicable (since 1.8).

  • value: The value of the property. (default string is “”, default number is 0, default boolean is “false”, default color is #00000000, default file is “.” (the current file’s parent directory))

Boolean properties have a value of either “true” or “false”.

Color properties are stored in the format #AARRGGBB.

File properties are stored as paths relative from the location of the map file.

Object properties can reference any object on the same map and are stored as an integer (the ID of the referenced object, or 0 when no object is referenced). When used on objects in the Tile Collision Editor, they can only refer to other objects on the same tile.

Class properties will have their member values stored in a nested <properties> element. Only the actually set members are saved. When no members have been set the properties element is left out entirely.

When a string property contains newlines, the current version of Tiled will write out the value as characters contained inside the property element rather than as the value attribute. It is possible that a future version of the TMX format will switch to always saving property values inside the element rather than as an attribute.

Can contain at most one: <properties> (since 1.8)

Template Files

Templates are saved in their own file, and are referenced by objects that are template instances.


The template root element contains the saved map object and a tileset element that points to an external tileset, if the object is a tile object.

Example of a template file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <tileset firstgid="1" source="desert.tsx"/>
 <object name="cactus" gid="31" width="81" height="101"/>

Any tileset reference should always come before the object. Embedded tilesets are not supported.

Can contain at most one: <tileset>

Should contain exactly one: <object>

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License

The TMX Map Format by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.