Libraries and Frameworks
There are many libraries available for reading and/or writing Tiled maps (either stored in the TMX Map Format or the JSON Map Format) as well as many development frameworks that include support for Tiled maps. This list is divided into two sections:
The first list is for developers who plan on implementing their own renderer. The second list is for developers already using (or considering) a particular game engine / graphics library who would rather pass on having to write their own tile map renderer.
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Support by Language
These libraries typically include only a TMX parser, but no rendering support. They can be used universally and should not require a specific game engine or graphics library.
cute tiled - JSON map loader with examples (zlib/Public Domain).
libtmj - JSON map and tileset loader with zlib/gzip/zstd support (BSD 2-Clause)
TMX - TMX map loader with Allegro5 and SDL2 examples (BSD).
C++/Qt based libtiled, used by Tiled itself and included at src/libtiled (BSD)
C++11x/TinyXml2 libtmx-parser by halsafar. (zlib/tinyxml2)
C++11/TinyXml2 libtmx by jube, for reading only (ISC licence). See documentation.
TMXParser General *.tmx tileset data loader. Intended to be used with TSXParser for external tileset loading. (No internal tileset support)
TSXParser General *.tsx tileset data loader. Intended to be used with TMXParser.
TMXLoader based on RapidXml. Limited functionality (check the website for details).
tmxlite C++14 map parser with compressed map support but no external linking required. Includes examples for SFML and SDL2 rendering. Currently has full tmx support up to 0.16. (Zlib/libpng)
tinytmx A C++17 library to parse maps generated by Tiled Map Editor. Requires no external linking, all dependencies are included.
Tileson - A Tiled JSON parser for modern C++ (C++17) by Robin Berg Pettersen (BSD)
DotTiled: A fast, memory-efficient, and easy to use .NET library for loading Tiled maps and tilesets with support for both TMX and JSON formats.
TiledLib: Cross-platform Tiled map parsing utilities.
MonoGame.Extended has a Tiled map loader and renderer that works with MonoGame on all platforms that support portable class libraries.
The following projects appear to be no longer maintained, but might still be useful: TiledCS, TiledCSPlus, TiledSharp, NTiled, tmx-mapper-pcl, tiled-xna and TmxCSharp.
Common Lisp
cl-tiled: TMX/TSX and JSON map/tileset loader.
tile-soup: Parses and validates a TMX file into a map. Automatically decodes Base64 and CSV formatted data and coerces numbers when necessary. Works on both the JVM and in browsers via ClojureScript.
tiledMap.d simple single-layer and single-tileset example to load a map and its tileset in D language. It also contains basic rendering logic using DSFML
dtiled can load JSON-formatted Tiled maps. It also provides general tilemap-related functions and algorithms.
tiled: a library for loading TMX files
htiled (TMX) by Christian Rødli Amble.
aeson-tiled (JSON) by Schell Scivally.
A library for loading TMX files is included with Tiled at util/java/libtiled-java.
TiledReader is a simple TMX reader that conveys the information in Tiled files via a hand-crafted class structure, but does not load image data.
AndroidTMXLoader loads TMX data into an object and renders to an Android Bitmap (limited functionality)
libtiled-java port is a port of the libtiled-java to be used on Android phones.
PHP TMX Viewer by sebbu : render the map as an image (allow some modifications as well)
TMX parser: a simple loader for TMX maps (CSV format only).
linux-man/ptmx: Add Tiled maps to your Processing sketch.
Arcade: 2D game library that uses pytiled-parser for easy loading of Tiled maps into a game. Arcade Tiled Examples
pytiled-parser: Python parser for TMX and JSON maps.
pytmxlib: library for programmatic manipulation of TMX maps
pytmxloader: Python library intended to make loading of JSON Tiled maps very easy.
PyTMX: Python library to read TMX maps.
ulvl: Simple Python library that can read from, among others, TMX XML files.
tmx gem by erisdiscord
tiled, a rust crate for loading TMX maps
tiled-json-rs, a crate to parse and interact with Tiled editor JSON files
librpg A library to load and handle spritesets (own format) and orthogonal TMX maps.
Support by Framework
Following entries are integrated solutions for specific game engines. They are typically of little to no use if you’re not using said game engine.
AndEngine by Nicolas Gramlich supports rendering TMX maps
allegro_tiled integrates Tiled support with Allegro 5.
bevy_tiled, a plugin for rendering Tiled maps
bevy_tmx, a plugin that allows you to read .tmx files as scenes
bevy_ecs_tilemap, a tilemap rendering plugin that makes tiles entities, with support for TMX maps
Castle Game Engine (Object Pascal)
Castle Game Engine has native support for Tiled maps (see the engine manual about Tiled Maps)
The Java library Cell2D supports Tiled maps via a pipeline that starts with TiledReader, but currently has more built-in support for orthogonal maps than for other orientations.
cocos2d (Python) supports loading Tiled maps through its
module.cocos2d-x (C++) supports loading TMX maps through the CCTMXTiledMap class.
cocos2d-objc (Objective-C, Swift) (previously known as: cocos2d-iphone, cocos2d-swift, cocos2d-spritebuilder) supports loading TMX maps through CCTiledMap
TilemapKit is a tilemapping framework for Cocos2D. It supports all TMX tilemap types, including staggered iso and all hex variations. No longer in development.
Construct 2 - Scirra
Construct 2, since the Beta Release 149, officially supports TMX maps, and importing it by simple dragging the file inside the editor. Official Note
DragonRuby Game Toolkit
DRTiled adds support for loading Tiled maps to the DragonRuby Game Toolkit. The maps can be rendered using DRTiled Renderer.
flame_tiled is a library for incorporating Tiled maps into the Flame game engine.
Lithander demonstrated his Flash TMX parser combined with Flixel rendering
Game Maker
Tiled ships with plugins for exporting to GameMaker: Studio 1.4 and GameMaker Studio 2.3 room files.
Tiled2GM Converter by Dmi7ry
Tiled ships with a plugin for exporting to Godot 4 as .tscn scene files.
Tiled Map Importer imports each map as Godot scene which can be instanced or inherited (forum announcement).
Godot Tiled importer (Mono version) imports Tiled maps exported to JSON (.tmj) format. Supports all map orientations.
Tiled To Godot Export is a Tiled JavaScript extension for exporting Tilemaps and Tilesets in Godot 3.2 format (forum announcement).
Grid Engine
Planimeter’s Grid Engine supports Tiled Lua-exported maps.
HaxePunk Tiled Loader for HaxePunk
OpenFL “openfl-tiled” is a library, which gives OpenFL developers the ability to use the Tiled Map Editor.
OpenFL + Tiled + Flixel Experimental glue to use “openfl-tiled” with HaxeFlixel
HTML5 (multiple engines)
Canvas Engine A framework to create video games in HTML5 Canvas
chesterGL A simple WebGL/canvas game library
Crafty JavaScript HTML5 Game Engine; supports loading Tiled maps through an external component TiledMapBuilder.
Excalibur, an open-source 2D HTML5 game engine, supports loading Tiled maps through the plugin excalibur-tiled.
GameJs JavaScript library for game programming; a thin wrapper to draw on HTML5 canvas and other useful modules for game development
KineticJs-Ext A multi-canvas based game rendering library
melonJS A lightweight HTML5 game engine
Panda 2, a HTML5 Game Development Platform for Mac, Windows and Linux. Has a plugin for rendering Tiled maps, both orthogonal and isometric.
Phaser A fast, free and fun open source framework supporting both JavaScript and TypeScript (Tiled tutorial)
linux-man/p5.tiledmap adds Tiled maps to p5.js.
Platypus Engine A robust orthogonal tile game engine with game entity library.
sprite.js A game framework for image sprites.
TMXjs A JavaScript, jQuery and RequireJS-based TMX (Tile Map XML) parser and renderer.
glazeJS A high performance 2D game engine built in Typescript. It supports the TMX format, rendering tile layers on the GPU via WebGL (demo).
indielib cross-platform supports loading TMX maps through the C++/TinyXML based tmx-parser by KonoM (BSD)
Irrlicht, a C++ realtime 3D engine, can load TMX files through a 3rd-party library by TheMrCerebro (Zlib).
LITIENGINE is an open source Java 2D Game Engine that supports loading, editing, saving, and rendering maps in the .tmx format.
Simple Tiled Implementation Lua loader for the LÖVE (Love2d) game framework.
Monkey X
node-tmx-parser - loads the TMX file into a JavaScript object
Oak Nut Engine (onut)
Oak Nut Engine supports Tiled maps through Javascript and C++. (see TiledMap Javascript or C++ samples)
Orx Portable Game Engine
TMX to ORX Converter Tutorial and converter download for Orx.
Pygame map loader by dr0id
PyTMX by Leif Theden (bitcraft) by Richard Jones, from his 2012 PyCon ‘Introduction to Game Development’ talk.
TMX, a fork of and a port to Python3. A demo called pylletTown can be found here.
JSON map loader/renderer for pyglet by Juan J. Martínez (reidrac)
PyTMX by Leif Theden (bitcraft)
PyTMX by Leif Theden (bitcraft)
RPG Maker MV
Tiled Plugin for RPG Maker MV by Dr.Yami & Archeia, from RPG Maker Web
C++/TinyXML/SDL based loader example by Rohin Knight (limited functionality)
STP (SFML TMX Parser) by edoren
C++/SFML Tiled map loader by fallahn. (Zlib/libpng)
C++/SfTileEngine by Tresky (currently limited functionality)
Solar2D (formerly Corona SDK)
ponytiled is a simple Tiled Map Loader for Solar2D (forum announcement)
Dusk Engine is a fully featured Tiled map game engine for Solar2D (no longer maintained, but may still be useful)
Berry is a simple Tiled Map Loader for Solar2D.
Qiso is an isometric engine for Solar2D that supports loading Tiled maps, and also handles things like path-finding for you.
Sprite Kit Framework
SKTilemap is built from the ground up in Swift. It’s up to date, full of features and easy to integrate into any Sprite Kit project. Supports iOS and OSX.
SKTiled - A Swift framework for working with Tiled assets in SpriteKit.
JSTileMap is a lightweight SpriteKit implementation of the TMX format supporting iOS 7 and OS X 10.9 and above.
TERRA Engine (Delphi/Pascal)
TERRA Engine supports loading and rendering of TMX maps.
SuperTiled2Unity is a collection of C# Unity scripts that can automatically import Tiled map editor files directly into your Unity projects.
Tiled TMX Importer, imports into Unity 2017.2’s new native Tilemap system.
Tiled to Unity is a 3D pipeline for Tiled maps. It uses prefabs as tiles, and can place decorations dynamically on tiles. Supports multiple layers (including object layers).
Tuesday: A generic C# serializer and deserializer plus a set of Unity editor scripts that allow you to drag and drop TMX files into your scene, make edits, and save back out as TMX files. MIT license.
UniTiled, a native TMX importer for Unity.
X-UniTMX supports almost all Tiled 0.11 features. Imports TMX/XML files into Sprite Objects or Meshes.
Orthello Pro (2D framework) offers Tiled map support.
Unreal Engine 4
Paper2D provides built-in support for tile maps and tile sets, importing JSON exported from Tiled.
Urho3D natively supports loading Tiled maps as part of the Urho2D sublibrary (Documentation, HTML5 example).
FlatRedBall Glue tool ships with a Tiled plugin that loads TMX maps into the FlatRedBall engine, providing rich integration with its features.
XTiled by Michael C. Neel and Dylan Wolf, XNA library for loading and rendering TMX maps
XNA map loader by Kevin Gadd, extended by Stephen Belanger and Zach Musgrave